Source code for smact.lattice

#!/usr/bin/env python

import numpy as np

import smact

[docs]class Lattice: """A unique set of Sites. Lattice objects define a general crystal structure, with a space group and a collection of Site objects. These Site objects have their own fractional coordinates and a list of possible oxidation states (see the Site class). Specific crystal structures with elements assigned to sites are "materials" and use the Atoms class from the Atomic Simulation Environment. Attributes: basis_sites: A list of Site objects [SiteA, SiteB, SiteC, ...] comprising the basis sites in Cartesian coordinates space_group: Integer space group number according to the International Tables for Crystallography. structurbericht: Structurbericht identity, if applicable (e.g. 'B1') Methods: lattice_vector_calc(): """ def __init__(self, sites, space_group=1, strukturbericht=False): self.sites = sites self.space_group = space_group self.strukturbericht = strukturbericht
[docs]class Site: """ A single lattice site with a list of possible oxidation states. The Site object is primarily used within Lattice objects. Attributes: position: A list of fractional coordinates [x,y,z] oxidation_states: A list of possible oxidation states e.g. [-1,0,1] """ def __init__(self, position, oxidation_states=[0]): self.position = position self.oxidation_states = oxidation_states