Semiconducting Materials from Analogy and Chemical Theory#

View the code on Github here.


smact is a collection of tools and examples for “low-fi” screening of potential semiconducting materials through the use of chemical rules.

smact uses a combination of heuristics and models derived from data to rapidly search large areas of chemical space. This combination of methods allows smact to identify new materials for applications such as photovoltaics, water splitting and thermoelectrics.

Features of smact include:

  • Chemical elements with associated properties

  • Filters for oxidation states and charge balancing

  • Structure predcition from chemical composition

  • Composition probability prediction


The package is available via pip install smact.

License and citation#

smact is distributed under an MIT license.

To cite the theory of smact please use:

To cite the code of smact please use:


Indices and tables#