Source code for

from typing import List, Optional, Union

import numpy as np

import smact

[docs]def eneg_mulliken(element: Union[smact.Element, str]) -> float: """Get Mulliken electronegativity from the IE and EA. Arguments: symbol (smact.Element or str): Element object or symbol Returns: mulliken (float): Mulliken electronegativity """ if type(element) == str: element = smact.Element(element) elif type(element) != smact.Element: raise Exception(f"Unexpected type: {type(element)}") mulliken = (element.ionpot + element.e_affinity) / 2.0 return mulliken
[docs]def band_gap_Harrison( anion: str, cation: str, verbose: bool = False, distance: Optional[Union[float, str]] = None, ) -> float: """ Estimates the band gap from elemental data. The band gap is estimated using the principles outlined in Harrison's 1980 work "Electronic Structure and the Properties of Solids: The Physics of the Chemical Bond". Args: Anion (str): Element symbol of the dominant anion in the system Cation (str): Element symbol of the the dominant cation in the system Distance (float or str): Nuclear separation between anion and cation i.e. sum of ionic radii verbose (bool) : An optional True/False flag. If True, additional information is printed to the standard output. [Defult: False] Returns : Band_gap (float): Band gap in eV """ # Set constants hbarsq_over_m = 7.62 # Get anion and cation An = anion Cat = cation d = float(distance) # Get elemental data: elements_dict = smact.element_dictionary((An, Cat)) An, Cat = elements_dict[An], elements_dict[Cat] # Calculate values of equation components V1_Cat = (Cat.eig - Cat.eig_s) / 4 V1_An = (An.eig - An.eig_s) / 4 V1_bar = (V1_An + V1_Cat) / 2 V2 = 2.16 * hbarsq_over_m / (d**2) V3 = (Cat.eig - An.eig) / 2 alpha_m = (1.11 * V1_bar) / np.sqrt(V2**2 + V3**2) # Calculate Band gap [(3-43) Harrison 1980 ] Band_gap = (3.60 / 3.0) * (np.sqrt(V2**2 + V3**2)) * (1 - alpha_m) if verbose: print("V1_bar = ", V1_bar) print("V2 = ", V2) print("alpha_m = ", alpha_m) print("V3 = ", V3) return Band_gap
[docs]def compound_electroneg( verbose: bool = False, elements: List[Union[str, smact.Element]] = None, stoichs: List[Union[int, float]] = None, source: str = "Mulliken", ) -> float: """Estimate electronegativity of compound from elemental data. Uses Mulliken electronegativity by default, which uses elemental ionisation potentials and electron affinities. Alternatively, can use Pauling electronegativity, re-scaled by factor 2.86 to achieve same scale as Mulliken method (Nethercot, 1974) DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.33.1088 . Geometric mean is used (n-th root of product of components), e.g.: X_Cu2S = (X_Cu * X_Cu * C_S)^(1/3) Args: elements (list) : Elements given as standard elemental symbols. stoichs (list) : Stoichiometries, given as integers or floats. verbose (bool) : An optional True/False flag. If True, additional information is printed to the standard output. [Default: False] source: String 'Mulliken' or 'Pauling'; type of Electronegativity to use. Note that in SMACT, Pauling electronegativities are rescaled to a Mulliken-like scale. Returns: Electronegativity (float) : Estimated electronegativity (no units). """ if type(elements[0]) == str: elementlist = [smact.Element(i) for i in elements] elif type(elements[0]) == smact.Element: elementlist = elements else: raise Exception( "Please supply a list of element symbols or SMACT Element objects" ) stoichslist = stoichs # Convert stoichslist from string to float stoichslist = list(map(float, stoichslist)) # Get electronegativity values for each element if source == "Mulliken": elementlist = [(el.ionpot + el.e_affinity) / 2.0 for el in elementlist] elif source == "Pauling": elementlist = [(2.86 * el.pauling_eneg) for el in elementlist] else: raise Exception( f"Electronegativity type '{source}'", "is not recognised" ) # Print optional list of element electronegativities. # This may be a useful sanity check in case of a suspicious result. if verbose: print("Electronegativities of elements=", elementlist) # Raise each electronegativity to its appropriate power # to account for stoichiometry. for i in range(0, len(elementlist)): elementlist[i] = [elementlist[i] ** stoichslist[i]] # Calculate geometric mean (n-th root of product) prod = compelectroneg = (prod) ** (1.0 / (sum(stoichslist))) if verbose: print("Geometric mean = Compound 'electronegativity'=", compelectroneg) return compelectroneg