Source code for smact.structure_prediction.database

"""Tools for database interfacing for high throughput IO."""

import itertools
from multiprocessing import Pool
from operator import itemgetter

    from pathos.pools import ParallelPool

    pathos_available = True
except ImportError:
    pathos_available = False

import sqlite3
from typing import Dict, Generator, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import pymatgen
from pymatgen.ext.matproj import MPRester

from . import logger
from .structure import SmactStructure
from .utilities import convert_next_gen_mprest_data, get_sign

[docs]class StructureDB: """SQLite Structure Database interface. Acts as a context manager for database interfacing and wraps several useful SQLite commands within methods. Attributes: db: The database name. conn: The database connection. Only open when used as a context manager. cur: The database connection cursor. Only usable when class implemented as context manager. Examples: Connecting to a database in memory: >>> DB = StructureDB(':memory:') >>> with DB as c: ... _ = c.execute("CREATE TABLE test (id, val)") ... c.execute("SELECT * FROM test").fetchall() [] >>> DB.cur.execute("SELECT * FROM test").fetchall() Traceback (most recent call last): ... sqlite3.ProgrammingError: Cannot operate on a closed database. """ def __init__(self, db: str): """Set database name. Args: db (str): The name of the database. Can also be ':memory:' to connect to a database in RAM. """ self.db = db def __enter__(self) -> sqlite3.Cursor: """Initialize database connection. Returns: An SQLite cursor for interfacing with the database. """ self.conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db) self.cur = self.conn.cursor() return self.cur def __exit__(self, exc_type, *args): """Close database connection. Commits all changes before closing. Alternatively, rolls back any changes if an exception was raised, causing the context to be exited. """ if exc_type is not None: self.conn.rollback() else: self.conn.commit() self.conn.close()
[docs] def add_mp_icsd( self, table: str, mp_data: Optional[ List[Dict[str, Union[pymatgen.core.Structure, str]]] ] = None, mp_api_key: Optional[str] = None, ) -> int: """Add a table populated with Materials Project-hosted ICSD structures. Note: This is very computationally expensive for large datasets and will not likely run on a laptop. If possible, download a pre-constructed database. Args: table (str): The name of the table to add. mp_data: The Materials Project data to parse. If this is None, data will be downloaded. Downloading data needs `mp_api_key` to be set. mp_api_key (str): A Materials Project API key. Only needed if `mp_data` is None. Returns: The number of structs added. """ if mp_data is None: # pragma: no cover with MPRester(mp_api_key) as m: try: data = m.query( criteria={"icsd_ids.0": {"$exists": True}}, properties=["structure", "material_id"], ) except NotImplementedError: docs = theoretical=False, fields=["structure", "material_id"] ) data = [convert_next_gen_mprest_data(doc) for doc in docs] else: data = mp_data self.add_table(table) if pathos_available: pool = ParallelPool() parse_iter = pool.uimap(parse_mprest, data) else: # pragma: no cover parse_iter = map(parse_mprest, data) return self.add_structs(parse_iter, table, commit_after_each=True)
[docs] def add_table(self, table: str): """Add a table to the database. Args: table: The name of the table to add """ with self as c: c.execute( f"""CREATE TABLE {table} (composition TEXT NOT NULL, structure TEXT NOT NULL)""", )
[docs] def add_struct(self, struct: SmactStructure, table: str): """Add a SmactStructure to a table. Args: struct: The :class:`~.SmactStructure` to add. table: The name of the table to add the structure to. """ entry = (struct.composition(), struct.as_poscar()) with self as c: c.execute(f"INSERT into {table} VALUES (?, ?)", entry)
[docs] def add_structs( self, structs: Sequence[SmactStructure], table: str, commit_after_each: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> int: """Add several SmactStructures to a table. Args: structs: Iterable of :class:`~.SmactStructure` s to add to table. table: The name of the table to add the structs to. commit_after_each (bool, optional): Whether to commit the addition after each structure is added. This is useful when adding a large number of structures over a long timeframe, as it ensures some structures are added, even if the program terminates before completion. Defaults to False. Returns: The number of structures added. """ with self as c: num = 0 for struct in structs: if struct is None: # Handling for poorly decorated structures continue entry = (struct.composition(), struct.as_poscar()) c.execute(f"INSERT into {table} VALUES (?, ?)", entry) num += 1 if commit_after_each: self.conn.commit() return num
[docs] def get_structs(self, composition: str, table: str) -> List[SmactStructure]: """Get SmactStructures for a given composition. Args: composition: The composition to search for. See :meth:`SmactStructure.composition`. table: The name of the table in which to search. Returns: A list of :class:`~.SmactStructure` s. """ with self as c: c.execute( f"SELECT structure FROM {table} WHERE composition = ?", (composition,), ) structs = c.fetchall() return [SmactStructure.from_poscar(pos[0]) for pos in structs]
[docs] def get_with_species( self, species: List[Tuple[str, int]], table: str, ) -> List[SmactStructure]: """Get SmactStructures containing given species. Args: species: A list of species as tuples, in (element, charge) format. table: The name of the table from which to get the species. Returns: A list of :class:`SmactStructure` s in the table that contain the species. """ glob = "*".join("{}_*_{}{}" for _ in range(len(species))) glob = f"*{glob}*" species.sort(key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True) species.sort(key=itemgetter(0)) # Generate a list of [element1, charge1, sign1, element2, ...] vals = list( itertools.chain.from_iterable( [x[0], abs(x[1]), get_sign(x[1])] for x in species ) ) glob_form = glob.format(*vals) with self as c: c.execute( f"SELECT structure FROM {table} WHERE composition GLOB ?", (glob_form,), ) structs = c.fetchall() return [SmactStructure.from_poscar(pos[0]) for pos in structs]
[docs]def parse_mprest( data: Dict[str, Union[pymatgen.core.Structure, str]], determine_oxi: str = "BV", ) -> SmactStructure: """Parse MPRester query data to generate structures. Args: data: A dictionary containing the keys 'structure' and 'material_id', with the associated values. determine_oxi (str): The method to determine the assignments oxidation states in the structure. Options are 'BV', 'comp_ICSD','both' for determining the oxidation states by bond valence, ICSD statistics or trial both sequentially, respectively. Returns: An oxidation-state-decorated :class:`SmactStructure`. """ # Convert next gen query data to a dic # TODO check if the data is the same type as MPDataDoc if not isinstance(data, dict): data = convert_next_gen_mprest_data(data) try: return SmactStructure.from_py_struct( data["structure"], determine_oxi="BV" ) except: # Couldn't decorate with oxidation states logger.warn( f"Couldn't decorate {data['material_id']} with oxidation states." )