Source code for smact.structure_prediction.mutation

"""Tools for handling ion mutation."""

import itertools
import json
import os
import re
from copy import deepcopy
from operator import itemgetter
from typing import Callable, Generator, Optional, Tuple

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pymatgen.analysis.structure_prediction as pymatgen_sp

from .structure import SmactStructure
from .utilities import parse_spec

[docs]class CationMutator: """Handles cation mutation of SmactStructures based on substitution probability. Based on the algorithm presented in: Hautier, G., Fischer, C., Ehrlacher, V., Jain, A., and Ceder, G. (2011) Data Mined Ionic Substitutions for the Discovery of New Compounds. Inorganic Chemistry, 50(2), 656-663. `doi:10.1021/ic102031h <>`_ """ def __init__( self, lambda_df: pd.DataFrame, alpha: Optional[Callable[[str, str], float]] = (lambda s1, s2: -5.0), ): """Assign attributes and get lambda table. Args: lambda_df: A pandas DataFrame, with column and index labels as species strings and lambda values as entries. alpha: A function to call to fill in missing lambda values. The function must take the two species' strings as arguments, and return a floating point lambda value. Defaults to a function that unconditionally returns -5.0. """ self.lambda_tab = lambda_df self.specs = set( itertools.chain.from_iterable( set(getattr(self.lambda_tab, x)) for x in ["columns", "index"] ) ) self.alpha = alpha # Make sure table is fully populated self._populate_lambda() self.Z = np.exp(self.lambda_tab.to_numpy()).sum()
[docs] @staticmethod def from_json( lambda_json: Optional[str] = None, alpha: Optional[Callable[[str, str], float]] = (lambda s1, s2: -5.0), ): """Create a CationMutator instance from a DataFrame. Args: lambda_json (str, optional): JSON-style representation of the lambda table. This is a list of entries, containing pairs and their associated lambda values. Each entry is a list of [species1, species2, lambda]. If not supplied, defaults to the lambda table included with pymatgen. alpha: See :meth:`__init__`. Returns: A :class:`CationMutator` instance. """ if lambda_json is not None: with open(lambda_json) as f: lambda_dat = json.load(f) else: # Get pymatgen lambda table py_sp_dir = os.path.dirname(pymatgen_sp.__file__) pymatgen_lambda = os.path.join(py_sp_dir, "data", "lambda.json") with open(pymatgen_lambda) as f: lambda_dat = json.load(f) # Get rid of 'D1+' values to reflect pymatgen # implementation lambda_dat = [x for x in lambda_dat if "D1+" not in x] # Convert lambda table to pandas DataFrame lambda_dat = [tuple(x) for x in lambda_dat] lambda_df = pd.DataFrame(lambda_dat) lambda_df = lambda_df.pivot(index=0, columns=1, values=2) return CationMutator(lambda_df, alpha)
def _populate_lambda(self): """Populate lambda table. Ensures no values are NaN and performs alpha calculations, such that an entry exists for every possible species combination in the lambda table. Also ensures lambda table symmetry. """ pairs = itertools.combinations_with_replacement(self.specs, 2) def add_alpha(s1, s2): """Add an alpha value to the lambda table at both coordinates.""" a = self.alpha(s1, s2)[s1, s2] = a[s2, s1] = a def mirror_lambda(s1, s2): """Mirror the lambda value at (s2, s1) into (s1, s2)."""[s1, s2] =[s2, s1] for s1, s2 in pairs: try: if np.isnan([s1, s2]): try: if not np.isnan([s2, s1]): mirror_lambda(s1, s2) else: add_alpha(s1, s2) except KeyError: add_alpha(s1, s2) else: mirror_lambda(s2, s1) except KeyError: try: if np.isnan([s2, s1]): add_alpha(s1, s2) else: mirror_lambda(s1, s2) except KeyError: add_alpha(s1, s2) # Ensure symmetry idx = self.lambda_tab.index self.lambda_tab = self.lambda_tab[idx]
[docs] def get_lambda(self, s1: str, s2: str) -> float: """Get lambda values corresponding to a pair of species. Args: s1 (str): One of the species. s2 (str): The other species. Returns: lambda (float): The lambda value, if it exists in the table. Otherwise, the alpha value for the two species. """ if {s1, s2} <= self.specs: return[s1, s2] return self.alpha(s1, s2)
[docs] def get_lambdas(self, species: str) -> pd.Series: """Get all the lambda values associated with a species. Args: species (str): The species for which to get the lambda values. Returns: A pandas Series, with index-labelled lambda entries. """ if not {species} <= self.specs: raise ValueError(f"{species} not in lambda table.") return self.lambda_tab.loc[species]
@staticmethod def _mutate_structure( structure: SmactStructure, init_species: str, final_species: str, ) -> SmactStructure: """Mutate a species within a SmactStructure. Replaces all instances of the species within the structure. Every site occupied by the species has its label changed to the new species, and the list of species of the structure is changed to reflect the mutation. Stoichiometry is maintained. Requires the species to have the same charge. Note: Creates a deepcopy of the supplied structure, such that the original instance is not modified. Args: init_species (str): The species within the structure to mutate. final_species (str): The species to replace the initial species with. Returns: A :class:`.~SmactStructure`, with the species mutated. """ struct_buff = deepcopy(structure) init_spec_tup = parse_spec(init_species) struct_spec_tups = list(map(itemgetter(0, 1), struct_buff.species)) spec_loc = struct_spec_tups.index(init_spec_tup) final_spec_tup = parse_spec(final_species) # Replace species tuple struct_buff.species[spec_loc] = ( *final_spec_tup, struct_buff.species[spec_loc][2], ) # Check for charge neutrality if sum(x[1] * x[2] for x in struct_buff.species) != 0: raise ValueError("New structure is not charge neutral.") # Sort species again struct_buff.species.sort(key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True) struct_buff.species.sort(key=itemgetter(0)) # Replace sites struct_buff.sites[final_species] = struct_buff.sites.pop(init_species) # And sort species_strs = struct_buff._format_style("{ele}{charge}{sign}").split( " " ) struct_buff.sites = { spec: struct_buff.sites[spec] for spec in species_strs } return struct_buff @staticmethod def _nary_mutate_structure( structure: SmactStructure, init_species: list, final_species: list, ) -> SmactStructure: """Perform a n-ary mutation of a SmactStructure (n>1). Replaces all instances of a group of species within the structure. Stoichiometry is maintained. Charge neutrality is preserved, but the species pair do not need the same charge. Args: init_species (list): A list of species within the structure to mutate. final_species (list): The list of species to replace the initial species with """ # Determine the number of species to mutate n = len(init_species) struct_buff = deepcopy(structure) init_spec_tup_list = [parse_spec(i) for i in init_species] struct_spec_tups = list(map(itemgetter(0, 1), struct_buff.species)) spec_loc = [ struct_spec_tups.index(init_spec_tup_list[i]) for i in range(n) ] final_spec_tup_list = [parse_spec(i) for i in final_species] # Replace species tuple for i in range(n): struct_buff.species[spec_loc[i]] = ( *final_spec_tup_list[i], struct_buff.species[spec_loc[i]][2], ) # Check for charge neutrality if sum(x[1] * x[2] for x in struct_buff.species) != 0: raise ValueError("New structure is not charge neutral") # Sort species again struct_buff.species.sort(key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True) struct_buff.species.sort(key=itemgetter(0)) # Replace sites for i in range(n): struct_buff.sites[final_species[i]] = struct_buff.sites.pop( init_species[i] ) # And sort species_strs = struct_buff._format_style("{ele}{charge}{sign}").split( " " ) struct_buff.sites = { spec: struct_buff.sites[spec] for spec in species_strs } return struct_buff
[docs] def sub_prob(self, s1: str, s2: str) -> float: """Calculate the probability of substitution of two species.""" return np.exp(self.get_lambda(s1, s2)) / self.Z
[docs] def sub_probs(self, s1: str) -> pd.Series: """Determine the substitution probabilities of a species with others. Determines the probability of substitution of the species with every species in the lambda table. """ probs = self.get_lambdas(s1) probs = np.exp(probs) probs /= self.Z return probs
[docs] def complete_sub_probs(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Generate a DataFrame with all the substitution probabilities.""" return np.exp(self.lambda_tab) / self.Z
[docs] def complete_cond_probs(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Generate a DataFrame with all the conditional substitution probabilities.""" lambda_exp = np.exp(self.lambda_tab) return lambda_exp / lambda_exp.sum(axis=1)
[docs] def complete_pair_corrs(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Generate a DataFrame with all the pair correlations.""" corr = self.complete_sub_probs() # Sum each row (symmetry means this is the same as column sums) sums = corr.sum(axis=0) # Stack into matrix mat_sums = np.vstack([sums] * len(sums)) # Make each element the product of (row_sum * col_sum) mat_sums *= sums.to_numpy()[:, None] corr /= mat_sums return corr
[docs] def same_spec_probs(self) -> pd.Series: """Calculate the same species substiution probabilities.""" return ( np.exp( pd.Series( np.diag(self.lambda_tab), index=[self.lambda_tab.index, self.lambda_tab.columns], ) ) / self.Z )
[docs] def same_spec_cond_probs(self) -> pd.Series: """Calculate the same species conditional substiution probabilities.""" return np.exp(self.lambda_tab.to_numpy().diagonal()) / np.exp( self.lambda_tab ).sum(axis=0)
[docs] def pair_corr(self, s1: str, s2: str) -> float: """Determine the pair correlation of two ionic species.""" corr = self.sub_prob(s1, s2) corr /= self.sub_probs(s1).sum() corr /= self.sub_probs(s2).sum() return corr
[docs] def cond_sub_prob(self, s1: str, s2: str) -> float: """Calculate the probability of substitution of one species with another.""" return ( np.exp(self.get_lambda(s1, s2)) / np.exp(self.get_lambdas(s2)).sum() )
[docs] def cond_sub_probs(self, s1: str) -> pd.Series: """Calculate the probabilities of substitution of a given species. Calculates probabilities of substitution of given species with all others in the lambda table. """ probs = self.get_lambdas(s1) probs = np.exp(probs) probs /= np.exp(self.lambda_tab).sum() return probs
[docs] def unary_substitute( self, structure: SmactStructure, thresh: Optional[float] = 1e-5, ) -> Generator[Tuple[SmactStructure, float], None, None]: """Find all structures with 1 substitution with probability above a threshold. Args: structure: A :class:`SmactStructure` instance from which to generate compounds. thresh (float): The probability threshold; discard all substitutions that have a probability to generate a naturally-occuring compound less than this. Yields: Tuples of (:class:`SmactStructure`, probability). """ for specie in structure.get_spec_strs(): cond_probs = self.cond_sub_probs(specie) likely_probs = cond_probs.loc[cond_probs > thresh] for new_spec, prob in likely_probs.items(): if any( [ new_spec == specie, parse_spec(specie)[1] != parse_spec(new_spec)[1], ] ): continue yield ( self._mutate_structure(structure, specie, new_spec), prob, )