Source code for smact.structure_prediction.utilities

"""Miscellaneous tools for data parsing."""

import re
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union

import pymatgen

from . import logger

[docs]def parse_spec(species: str) -> Tuple[str, int]: """Parse a species string into its element and charge. Args: species (str): String representation of a species in the format {element}{absolute_charge}{sign}. Returns: A tuple of (element, signed_charge). Examples: >>> parse_spec("Fe2+") ('Fe', 2) >>> parse_spec("O2-") ('O', -2) """ ele = re.match(r"[A-Za-z]+", species).group(0) charge_match ="\d+", species) charge = int( if charge_match else 0 if "-" in species: charge *= -1 return ele, charge
[docs]def unparse_spec(species: Tuple[str, int]) -> str: """Unparse a species into a string representation. The analogue of :func:`parse_spec`. Args: A tuple of (element, signed_charge). Returns: String of {element}{absolute_charge}{sign}. Examples: >>> unparse_spec(("Fe", 2)) 'Fe2+' >>> unparse_spec(("O", -2)) 'O2-' """ return f"{species[0]}{abs(species[1])}{get_sign(species[1])}"
[docs]def get_sign(charge: int) -> str: """Get string representation of a number's sign. Args: charge (int): The number whose sign to derive. Returns: sign (str): either '+', '-', or '' for neutral. """ if charge > 0: return "+" elif charge < 0: return "-" else: return ""
[docs]def convert_next_gen_mprest_data( doc, ) -> Dict[str, Union[pymatgen.core.Structure, Optional[str]]]: """Converts the `MPDataDoc` object returned by a next-gen MP query to a dictionary Args: doc (MPDataDoc): A MPDataDoc object (based on a pydantic model) with fields 'structure' and 'material_id' Returns: A dictionary containing at least the keys 'structure' and 'material_id', with the associated values. """ try: return doc.dict(exclude={"fields_not_requested"}) except: logger.warn(f"Could not convert input:\n {doc}\n to a dictionary.") raise TypeError("Input is not an MPDataDoc object.")